Director and Office Staff

Morgan's Mercy Mansion (MMM) is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center for women.  All the activities conducted at the center are related to freeing women from substance abuse and restoring them to a productive life free from addiction.  MMM has served over hundreds women.

The women reside at the center and follow a weekly schedule which includes daily living activities such as meal prep, personal hygiene and routine chores.  Morgan's Mercy Mansion is blessed with 33 volunteers who teach and administrate the 19 classes that all residents are required to attend.  The schedule includes rehabilitation activities, daily devotionals, bible classes, recovery classes and groups along with life skills, job skills, parenting skills training and individual progress sessions for optimal recovery.  We are blessed with wonderful pastors and awesome staff, including many who have personally experienced the pain of addiction and have overcome by the grace of God through Jesus Christ.

Begun in 2005 by His House Ministries, the center was able to move into its present location.  MMM has been a true community effort supported by Dayne Redding, Winnsboro Ministerial Fellowship, Enough Is Enough Volunteer Drug Taskforce, Winnsboro Fire Department, individuals, local residents, surrounding churches, civic organizations, businesses along with churches and organizations from outside of our area.  Thanks to a massive fundraising effort MMM was able to purchase the present main building from the Fire Department in 2006.  In early 2009, Morgan's Mercy Mansion was granted its own status as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

MMM relies on a broad volunteer base to sustain its activities.  Funding is provided through donations and the women entering the program are required to pay an entry fee of $1,250 along with a monthly fee.